Crystal Cable

Listen, feel, experience.

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Crystal Cable, globally renowned for the high-end audio cables it develops, designs, and produces, achieves this purpose through decades of research, true craftsmanship, and, most importantly, a passion for music. The brand ensures that listeners not only hear what the artist intended but also feel what the artist intended, creating an immersive musical experience.

This year marks a significant milestone for Crystal Cable as we proudly celebrate two decades of crafting cables and audio products that redefine the boundaries of musical brilliance. From our inception, we have strived for nothing short of perfection of technical excellence with artistic elegance.

Gabi Rynveld


From a prodigious start as a concert pianist at the tender age of nine, Gabi has woven her passion for music into the fabric of her life. Having performed with orchestras and competed in prestigious international piano concourses, she brings a virtuoso’s perspective to high-fidelity audio. Gabi’s journey as a professional concert pianist has evolved into her role at Crystal Cable, where she passionately elevates the standards of hi-fi equipment. With a deep-rooted commitment to musical excellence, Gabi is not just shaping sound; she’s crafting an immersive sonic experience that transcends boundaries and resonates with the soul.


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Review in Music Emotion Magazine, Netherlands
Review in Music Emotion Magazine, Netherlands

High End Munich

Attentive visitors already saw a set of Minissimo speakers on the Crystal Cable stand during the High End Munich 2022 that differed slightly from the usual types. What was that separate box, connected to those speakers, supposed to do? These prototypes have also been heard here and there in recent months, and the high reproduction quality was immediately noticeable. What was going on here? Well, with endless patience, testing, listening and adapting, Crystal Cable quietly worked on the new Minissimo Forte. Not an average speaker in terms of design and performance. The fine musical tuning can only come from well-trained musical ears and insight into instrument theory. Gabi Rynveld, PR, Sales and Marketing Crystal Cable and Siltech and also an experienced concert pianist, has developed a world-class stand loudspeaker in collaboration with her husband Edwin Rynveld, CEO International Audio Holding (Siltech and Crystal Cable), an inspiring engineer and also a musician.

2024 Editors' Choice Awards by The Absolute Sound
2024 Editors' Choice Awards by The Absolute Sound

2024 Editors’ Choice Awards by The Absolute Sound

We take pride in announcing that our remarkable audio cables and speakers have been honored with the prestigious 2024 Editors’ Choice Awards by The Absolute Sound.

This recognition highlights our commitment to delivering excellent audio experiences.

Diamond Series 2 Reference Loom Review by SoundStage Australia
Diamond Series 2 Reference Loom Review by SoundStage Australia

Diamond Series 2 Reference Loom Review by SoundStage Australia

When it comes to cables, we’ve all seen products with gregarious designs, from ones approximating ornamental garden hoses to those resembling a python that has just devoured its prey. Bulky cables with a “bigger is better” mentality are often perceived as superior or essential for greater dynamics and powerful bass. Among other desires, having more bulbous-looking cables would be on most audiophiles’ wish lists. Anything less might diminish their pride, with most believing diminutive cables would not suffice. In that case, they’re disregarding the significance of substance over appearance, with the most critical factor being how cables sound and integrate within our systems.

Art Series Monet Review by SoundStage Ultra
Art Series Monet Review by SoundStage Ultra

Art Series Monet Review by SoundStage Ultra

My friend Rich visits often. He’s got a smoking system at home, loves music and gear, and is always looking for ways to improve the sound in his listening room. Just recently he came over for a listen with his brother-in-law, who’s far more grounded, down to earth, and money conscious than Rich, me, or likely anyone else who’s reading this review.

Matthias Böde, STEREO Magazine
Matthias Böde, STEREO Magazine

In aller Deutlichkeit

Seit dem Test der „Reference Diamond“-Familie von CrystalCable in STEREO 10/21 hege ich eine ausgeprägte Schwäche für die quellwasserreine, unverstellte Klarheit und Finesse der Leiter aus Elst, weshalb ich beschloss, mir nach einigem Abstand noch die günstigere „Micro Diamond“-Linie vorzunehmen. Doch dann hieß es: Bitte Geduld, wir renovieren nach gut zwölfjähriger Laufzeit just die gesamte Diamond-Serie von Grund auf. Und nun ist es so weit. Tatsächlich habe ich kaum einem anderen Thema in letzter
Zeit ähnlich entgegengefiebert wie den neuen „Micro2 Diamond“-Leitern. Die 2004 von der Konzertpianistin Gabi Reynveld gegründete Marke stützt